April 5th 2020, Sunday – Holland TX Classic EDITION #2 COVID-19 CANCELLED

Captain Obvious sayin’ Yes this like all other group rides and events is cancelled.

April 5th 2020 will be the CASTELL HANGOVER EDITION for our challenging gravel and road 22 mile circuit starting in Holland, Texas on the day after the Castell Grind. Gravel sections are fast and smooth, so skinny gravel or road bikes are acceptable. Riders are expected to self-maintain their own tires, tubes and equipment. This event is promoted and sactioned by USA Cycling under permit pending – licenses are not required, but helmets are mandatory at all time when on a bicycle.

Sorry if the first sand pit got you in Castell Grind, your pity party is over and it’s time to come bring your best groad bike setup. Same noon start and some small changes. We will be teaming up with the University of Texas Cycling Club and recruiting new young riders and collegiate racers to a new race wave for U23 (you must be 23 years old or younger on race date to qualify). Lots of new details and how to prepare your road bike as a classics road bike for this course. Or tips on how to setup your gravel bike for more speed at the Holland TX Classic.